Badly printed decks belong on a Wall of Shame. r/playingcardsmarket to buy/sell playing cardsĪ list featuring photos of USPCC-printed decks with bad borders r/magic for all magic related discussions r/cardistry for all your cardistry related posts Related activities should be kept to their respective subs unless there's a very valid reason For custom card game questions, it would be better for their respective target audience's subreddits.
Please be courteous and polite towards the other members of the sub.Photos and posts of your products related to playing cards without comments or links to indicate direct advertising (once every 5 days).Redirection of any means out of the subreddit with the intention to promote a product, a service, a shop, another webpage, or events that are running, i.e. Advertising of services/products/sites that you own will be limited to once every 10 days.
How to Create Your Own Deck of Playing Cards by EndersGame.Everything related to playing cards: Questions, collecting, news, reviews, Kickstarter campaigns, hobby projects, and more.